How to Stop Snoring?

Words by Leslie Lidot
December 28, 2020
Words by Leslie Lidot
December 28, 2020

Up to half of the American adults tend to snore. When you breathe, the air flows through your throat when in your sleep. It causes the throat's relaxed tissues to vibrate and cause harsh, irritating snoring noises.

Aside from being a nuisance to your partner or friends, snoring also reduces the quality of your sleep, resulting in sleep apnea or even chronic sleep deprivation. According to health experts, 75% of people who snore experience obstructive sleep apnea or a breathing disruption during sleep for short periods, leading to a risk of heart disease.

If you feel tired and cranky in the morning, snoring may be the culprit. But fortunately, there are natural snoring remedies that you can consider to help you with this dilemma.

What Causes Snoring?

There are a couple of factors that contribute to snoring; the most popular one is weight. Excessive weight around the neck and throat causes snoring. It is generally familiar with men than women, as they have narrower air passages.

Your sleeping position may also cause you to snore. Sleeping flat on your back makes you susceptible to snoring. If you tend to have a stuffy nose at night, snoring is also expected.

The way you snore could also tell something more. If you tend to snore with your mouth closed, you may have a problem with your tongue. If you snore with your mouth open, you probably have a problem with your throat.

Natural Snoring Remedies You Can Try

There are several ways to deal with snoring: either medical or natural. It is highly advisable to seek medical help if you're experiencing extreme scenarios with your snoring habits. But before seeking medical treatment, you can try out these natural snoring remedies at home and see if it works for you.

1.    Lose Weight

Losing weight reduces the amount of tissue in the throat that causes you to snore. You can gradually reduce your weight by minimizing your caloric intake, eating smaller portions, and consume more healthy foods. Regularly exercise. Consider seeing a nutritionist for help.

2.    Change Your Sleeping Position

Lying on your back may cause your tongue to move backward, partly blocking the airflow through your throat. The best sleeping position you might consider is sleeping on your side to allow air to flow easily and lessen or stop your snoring.

3.    Cut Down on Alcohol

Alcohol reduces the muscles' sleeping tone in the back of the throat, resulting in your snoring. It's best to avoid drinking alcohol for five to six hours. Typically, those people who don't snore will eventually snore after drinking alcohol.

4.    Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is a must, particularly for snorers. Dehydration leads to mucus build-up in your nose, causing you to snore. It is highly advisable to drink about 3.7 liters of water for men and about 2.7 liters of water for women.

5.    Watch Your Diet

Dairy and gluten products are well-known factors for causing inflamed tissues in your nose and throat. However, there's no need to cut out your favorite chocolate milk drink every day. Try alternating and skipping the days where you consume plain tea or water instead of milk, and never drink it too soon before bed.

6.    Get Enough Sleep

Fatigue relaxes your muscles in the throat and tongue, causing you to snore. It's essential to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. While sleeping pills are ironically contributing to your snoring, it's best to search for natural home snoring remedies instead of these.

7.    Elevate Your Head

If you already tried sleeping on your side and still doesn't get rid of snoring, you might need to slightly raise your head to ease your breathing and clear up your airways. Using a memory foam pillow will help. This kind of pillow doesn't push your head upwards, unlike traditional pillows. Memory foam pillows are beneficial to keep your spine aligned while comfortably adapting to the shape of your head and neck.

8.    Treat Your Allergies

Allergies can lessen airflow through your nose, forcing you to breathe through your mouth - increasing the likelihood of snoring. It's best to talk to your doctor for the appropriate over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications to improve your condition.

9. Try Working Out Your Tongue & Throat Muscles

It may sound unusual, but they have been proven to work in several cases. The muscles of the throat start to relax and lose muscle tone over time. The best way to reduce the probability of persistent snoring is to strengthen your throat and tongue muscles. Try throwing yourself a concert in the shower or your car while heading to work. You can achieve this tongue exercise by placing the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth and slide it back and forth for a few minutes a day.

Medical Treatments for Snoring

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) Machine

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a device that uses mild air pressure to maintain your airways open.

If your snoring is out of control, it may be a sign of sleep apnea that requires immediate medical treatment. Talk to your physician and schedule a consultation.

Chin Straps

If you tend to snore through your mouth due to breathing concerns, a chin strap might be a practical option. Chin straps hold your jaws closed, allowing you to breathe through your nasal passages, therefore reducing restrained breathing.

Oral Appliances

Dental mouthpieces called "oral appliances" allow your lower jaw muscles and tongue pushed forward, keeping them from becoming too relaxed. As a result, it prevents your throat muscles from deflating back into your airways. Speak with your dentist regarding this and get fitted with an appropriate oral appliance.


In most cases, surgery can be effective in reducing snoring and alleviating obstructive sleep apnea.

If you are experiencing deviated nasal septum, adenoids, and large tonsils, surgical treatment is an alternative.

Yet, in some cases, snoring returns over time.

Consult with your doctor to get examined and to help determine which treatment is most suitable for you.

Lastly, which remedy works best?

It's best to try them all, one after the other, until you find the suitable one that works for you. Track your sleep routine and keep a sleep diary so you'll get a better impression of your sleeping habits.

Coping with Snoring

To sum it up, getting enough sleep, using a memory foam pillow, sleeping on your side, and avoiding alcohol before bedtime - these simple practices can contribute a huge difference in reducing frequent snoring.

Snoring can interrupt your sleep and that of your partner. But it also shouldn't be overlooked, as it may indicate a severe health condition. See your doctor and try one or more of the above snoring remedies to help you get your sleep under control.


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